˚○◦˚.{TERMS of SERVICE}.˚◦○˚

╰◦•◦❥ I will only be accepting 5 people at a time. First come first serve.╰◦•◦❥ Once slots are full I will be opening a waiting list for 3 more slots. (Please be patient and wait for your turn! Once slots are vacant, clients may DM me and I will update about your order.)╰◦•◦❥ 50% down payment is a must before I work on the draft.╰◦•◦❥ Once I start on the commission, cancelling and refunding may only be possible up until the rough sketching phase. After the rough sketching, refunding and cancelling of the commission will no longer be allowed.╰◦•◦❥ Provide CLEAR references!╰◦•◦❥ Revisions will differ depending on what phase the drawing is on. (Asking for an update is allowed as well during the time I am drawing the commission).╰◦•◦❥ Too many revisions will require extra charges.╰◦•◦❥ The prices may change depending on how complex or detailed a commission may be. (Detailed background, special effects, more than one person, etc. Specifications about the prices and additional costs will be given in DMs.)╰◦•◦❥ Please specify if it is also for commercial use. Commissions for commercial use will cost double the final price.╰◦•◦❥ After I send the final product in DMs, the other 50% of the payment must be given before I send final product via email.╰◦•◦❥ I have the right to decline a commission if I find the request is too inappropriate, out of my skill range, or overly complex.╰◦•◦❥ Again, I will update on my social medias and in DMs if my slots are full and open a waiting list that you may ask to be added on.


MOP: GCASH (I will be doing local commissions first and work my way up to PayPal sometime in the future.)TAT: Ranging from 3-4 days or a week depending on how complex a commission may be.Once you agree to these terms, you may DM me about the commission. Remember, first come, first serve. :D